
Cyclades | Ios Info

The locals call her Nios. The island’s long history begins in the prehistoric period. According to Herodotus, Ios was Homer’s, the poet of poets, burial place.
Visit the archaeological and Folklore museum at Chora but also the Museum of Contemporary art at Kolitsanous. Other important sights are the Hellenistic period tower and the ancient aqueduct ruins at Aghia Theodoti.

Those who adore swimming will be thrilled by the island’s beaches such as Milopotas close to Chora, Aghia Theodoti, Psathi, Kalamos, Plakes, Magganari.
The authentic Cycladic island beauty combined with the exponential tourist rise, attract each time more and more visitors.

The capital is amphitheatrically built at the location of the ancient city. Chora is a typical Cycladic village of white houses, alleys, churches. There hulks the church of Panagia Gremniotissa. All these stand above the picturesque port of Ormos with the fishing boats and yachts.
Ios has many natural beauties, sandy beaches, authentic Cycladic elements, while the people are friendly and hospitable. Ios is a favourite destination for young people from all over the world.

Swim in the tropic beaches at Magganari, Mylopotas, at the small ports at Ekklisies, but also at Louka and Kalamos.

The beach at Mylopotas’ settlement is one of the most famous in Greece, a tourist organized beach with socialite movement and teal waters.

Magganari is located at the south side of the island on a hill with amazing view and below the organized beaches with beautiful bays, tropical sandy shores and blue waters


  • Panagia Gremniotissa at Chora dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. According to tradition, the holy icon was thrown into the sea by Cretans in order to keep it away from the Turks. It was found on the coast of Ios in MylopotasIt was found at Ios’ shores at Mylopotas region and the locals decided to built a church to its honour, but later the church was found ruined and the holy icon had been moved to a place facing the sea towards Crete. So they built a new church to its present location.
  • Aghia Theodoti, a church built over the ruins of an ancient temple at the homonymous bay.
  • The church of Agia Irini at the port’s entrance.
  • The Catholic church
  • Aghioi Anargyroi, a church built at the top of a hill with magnificent view
  • Homer’s grave at Plakoto over a hill with amazing view.
  • Palaiokastro with the ruins of the Byzantine castle
  • The prehistoric settlement of Skarkos
  • The Archaeological Museum and the Folklore Museum at Chora.
  • Τhe Museum of Contemporary Art at Kolitsanous.
  • Τhe Hellenistic period tower and the ancient aqueduct’s ruins at Aghia Theodoti.
  • The ancient Greek style theatre “Odysseas Elytis”
  • Ios - Panagia Gremniotissa
  • Ios - Agioi Anargyroi
  • Ios - Agia Theodoti
  • Ios - Elytis Theater
The church of Agia Irini at the harbor entrance


Access – Transport

By ship
From Piraeus port

Ios port authority 0030 22860 91264
Piraeus port authority 0030 213 2147600


Area: 109 sq. km

Capital: Ios

Ios municipallity belongs to the administrative district of Thira (Cyclades prefecture – South Aegean Region).